Greig Smith Travels: The “Go To” company for everyone from TV naturalists, 

journalists to hardcore herpers and wildlife enthusiasts. From humble beginnings 

as a mere travel company - GST is now a fully fledged Tribe

Welcome to the Wonderful World of
GST Herp & Wildlife Tours

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Revealed: How Serious Herpers & Wildlife Enthusiasts 
Hell Bent on Living their best life through their bucket list and finding their favourite species in the wild.

Revealed: How Serious Herpers & Wildlife Enthusiasts Hell Bent on Living their best life through their bucket list and finding their favourite species in the wild.

5 Star Service


Our Trips Are Addictive and there is a HIGH risk you will become addicted to them and that they will change your life immeasurably for the better.


I would highly recommend your expeditions....

You should be applauded for providing a satisfying, sustainable and professional ecotourism experience and be proud to have directly influenced greater conservation movements. I would highly recommend your expeditions to fellow herpetologists and look forward to participating in future trips

Dr. Todd Lewis

BSc, PhD, PGCHE (Senior Lecturer - Ecology), UK

Absolutely great - thank you!

This was a great trip, It lived up to everything I was expecting and more! I would definitely go again! Paul’s advice and help was spot on.... I would recommend anyone to Grieg Smith Travels, and I will be doing my best to promote Paul's services! I would not have wanted to do what we did with anyone else, could not have asked for a better service - We'll be back!

Adrian Fisher

Mid Anglia Herp & Invertebrate Society UK

Once in a lifetime herp & wildlife adventures and group tours & for serious herpers & wildlife enthusiasts.

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How YOU Can Tap Into Your Primal Side To Take Better Wildlife Shots
Why You MUST tap into Your “Inner Beast” when tracking Wildlife and the common mistakes to avoid
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Type in your first name, primary email address below to learn more about future trips, benefits of being in the tribe and more

A Herpetological Expedition to Thailand" was an incredible experience. Paul had chosen some fantastic destinations to visit including a venom research centre, which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

Adam Radovanovic, Birmingham Nature Centre

My highlight of the trip was Turtle Island. Being able to watch a turtle laying from that close was magical. The fact that we had the chance to sponsor a nest as well made it even more special. Something that will stay with me for a long time!


This trip has been truly magical. From start to finish, it has been loaded with incredible experiences. This is my 3rd trip with Greig Smith Travels. All have been incredible. 

Peter Reynolds

This was an incredible trip with so many highlights. From snorkeling with the Sri Lankan Navey. Meeting the author of the book we were all using on the trip. Seeing a female Calotes lizard digging a hole to lay her eggs. And just being on another awsome trip (my 4th so far) with my herp family (The tribe!)

Ari Schuring

What I wasn't expecting was the great company and inspiration I've found by some of the genuinely amazing people on this trip. Sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who made it far more than simply a memorable herping experience. 

John Whitehouse

Expeditions with GST are not just one of the most fulfilling animal experiences you can do, but one of the most fulfilling experiences in general. I have loved my adventures with GST more than words can say

Nathan Brookes Bennett

Why Choose Us?

Greig Smith Travels: The “Go To” company for everyone from TV naturalists, journalists to hardcore herpers and wildlife enthusiasts. From humble beginnings as a mere travel company -
GST is now a fully fledged Tribe

Nothing, absolutely nothing comes close to the visceral thrill of finding your favourite species for yourself in the wild.
We are hard wired to hunt,
It makes us feel alive.
Only this time we hunt for trophy photos, good times and great memories, proof of a life well lived. So, while most people are content to sleepwalk through their lives, endlessly consuming content, overdosing on digital dopamine.

We’re out in the wild doing what makes us come alive

So if you’re keen on making the most of your time on earth and wanna glow up your social media real with eye popping, envy inducing wildlife adventures

You should come along for the ride….

Guaranteed Departure in 2025

At GST “We look after you – it’s that simple”

The Wonderful World of GST Travel - Travel Reimagined


85 Great Portland Street

First Floor, London,

N1W 7LT, United Kingdom


    © 2025 Greig Smith Travels

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